This is a great option if you have previous year end files in your account. If you choose this option then be asked to select an analysis to copy. The process is as follows:
1. From your Farm Home dashboard, select 'view all' under the Analyses section:
2. Then select '+ Create New Analysis'
3. Select Analysis Type - If you are looking to create an analysis for the current year end, select the Year End type. If you are create a analysis which is not of your current system e.g. future system for a consent, testing different mitigations etc., then choose the Scenario type. Or for a future year choose Predictive.
4. For a year end analysis, select the Year. For a Scenario analysis, give the analysis a name.
5. Select Copy an existing analysis when choosing how you would like to create this new analysis:
6. Then select from the drop down list the analysis to copy
7. If the analysis you are copying has a crop block, you will be asked if you want to copy the crop blocks exactly or you can move them back to the previous year - the option to move back is good for when you are wanting to create the next year end analysis after your last one so you don't have to re-enter you previous years cropping information again:
8. You can choose which management practices you would like to you want to copy including if you want to age any forest and/or fruit trees:
9. Click the green Create button
Then once created you will just need to go through and make any edits to reflect the changes between the different years - i.e. edit your animal numbers if have your stock numbers have increased or decreased, edit your fertilisers of you have used different rates or products.