The following article details how to create a new empty analysis. This option is if you either have no previous analysis to copy or you want to start over from scratch. Alternatively you can create a new analysis using a copy of an existing one.
1. From your Farm Home dashboard, select 'view all' under the Analyses section:
2. Then select '+ Create New Analysis'
3. Select Analysis Type - If you are looking to create an analysis for the current year end, select the Year End type. If you are create a analysis which is not of your current system e.g. future system for a consent, testing different mitigations etc., then choose the Scenario type. Or for a future year choose Predictive.
4. For a year end analysis, select the Year. For a Scenario analysis, give the analysis a name.
5. Select Create an empty analysis when choosing how you would like to create this new analysis:
6. Click Create