OverseerFM is a continually evolving program. This means that as new and or updated information and science relevant to the model becomes available, improvements will be made.
So that you can always see results from the latest version and view trends over time, OverseerFM automatically updates all analyses (including publications) when a version release occurs.
So that you can understand the impact on the farm of the version change, the previous version results are shown on the left side of the analysis on the dash board.
If you want to understand why the changes have occurred check the latest release notes which explain the changes to the model and the impact on results.
If you are unsure which model version impact has affected your analysis, check the Audit log under the analysis Actions ellipsis:
Here we record the update and show you if/how results the analysis results have changed as a result of the update, we then provide a link to the relevant release notes which explains the changes: