- Soil tests at depth 0-7.5 cm should be used for pastoral blocks and 15cm for crop blocks.
- Enter the average of as many tests as possible over the time the described system is in place.
- Soil tests should be entered by block, and so need to be representative of that management block, if you have multiple tests from a single year for a block, you may need to combine them to represent the result for the block.
- If analysing anything other than N and GHG loss, it is highly recommended that soil tests be entered, as default test values are very broad and may not be an accurate reflection of the block.
How to add:
To add soil test, click + Add soil tests:
- Select the block/s that were tested
- An identifier for the soil test result my be added in the reference field
- Enter soil test details (Olsen P, QT K, QT Ca, QT Mg, QT Na, and S)
- Option to override anion storage capacity or phosphate retention %
- Option to override defaults for slow release K
- For Crop blocks, Olsen P, QT K, QT Ca, QT Mg, QT Na can not be entered under the soils tab, they must be specified under each crop in crop sown information under the Pastures/Crop tab.
Note: Please take care when entering soil test values as the nutrient layouts may differ between testing laboratories. The soil input layout is built to match the Hill Laboratories analysis layout.