Step 1: Navigate to the Animals Tab
Step 2: Add Beef as an Enterprise
- In the Animals section, add a new enterprise by selecting ‘+ Add enterprise’.
- Choose ‘+ Add Beef’ from the list of enterprise options.
Step 3: Enter Enterprise details
- When choosing your stock numbers method, select the Stock reconciliation from the drop down.
- Enter your Mean birth date and Mean weaning date.
- Enter your Breeding replacement rate (%/year) and Birth rate (%).
Step 4: Add your Livestock groups
- Click '+ Add livestock' under the livestock section.
- Enter your Livestock name and select a Stock class and Breed from the drop down menus.
- If you selected the 'Weaners' stock class, then you will need to specify the Sex of the weaners. If You selected the 'Breeding replacement' stock class, then you will need to specify if the replacements are mated (check box). Calves should be brought on to the farm as weaners once they transition to a pasture diet, this usually when they are taken "off mom"/weaned. ME requirements for calves while on their mothers are accounted for within the breeding cows stock class ME requirements.
- Under the Monthly stock counts section, click the + on the month you want to add the livestock on to the farm (usually you will have stock 'starting' in July, so click the + in July).
- This 'starting'/'purchase/bring on/weaning' event will now show under the livestock events section. Here you will need to specify the number of animals coming on the farm on this event and their Age. Enter weights if significantly different to defaults shown. For calves, add from 'weaning' if animals originated from the breeding stock.
- Continue too add ‘Purchase/Bring On’, ‘Sale/Take Off’, or 'Sale to Works' events as needed.
- Groups should contain similar animals, they can have different removal weights but must have a similar start weight. A detailed stock reconciliation is not required. We recommend events be rolled up into a single event with a date that allocates the average for the month.
- At the bottom of the window default values will show for either Average weight or Mature weight and End liveweight for animals in June. You can stick with this Overseer defaults or override the defaults to enter your own weights for the group. It is a good idea to override defaults weights where they are significantly different to your known weights.
- You can record the number of monthly deaths for each animal group or just work them in to your average numbers for the month.
- When you've entered all your events for that group, click Done.
- Repeat process if you have another Livestock group to add. Groups should contain similar animals, they can have different removal weights but must have a similar start weight.
Step 5: Enter Health Supplement Information
- If applicable, Enter the relevant ‘Health Supplement’ information for your dairy herd.
Step 6: Once finished, click Save on the the bottom right-hand corner