Step 1: Navigate to the Animals Tab
Step 2: Add Dairy replacements as an Enterprise
- In the Animals section, add a new enterprise by selecting ‘+ Add enterprise’.
- Choose ‘+ Add Dairy replacements’ from the list of enterprise options.
Step 3: Add your Livestock groups
- Click '+ Add livestock' under the livestock section.
- Enter your Livestock name, Stock class (either Replacements or calves) and Breed
- If you selected the Calves (to weaning from milk) stock class, then you will need to specify the sex of the calves (either male, female, or mixed). Animals should be recorded as calves for the time between their birth and their weaning from milk. Once weaned they should be entered as replacements.
- Under the Monthly stock counts section, click the + on the month you want to add the livestock on to the farm (usually you will have stock 'starting' in July, so click the + in July).
- This 'starting'/'purchase/bring on/weaning' event will now show under the livestock events section. Here you will need to specify the number of animals coming on the farm on this event and their Age. For replacements, add from 'weaning' if animals originated from the breeding stock.
- Continue too add ‘Purchase/Bring On’, ‘Sale/Take Off’, or 'Sale to Works' events as needed. Groups should contain similar animals, they can have different removal weights but must have a similar start weight. A detailed stock reconciliation is not required. We recommend events be rolled up into a single event with a date that allocates the average for the month.
- At the bottom of the window you have the option to enter the Mature weight that the animals would be when fully grown and the End live weight for animals in June. Or you can leave these and the model will use average default values.
- You can record the number of monthly deaths for each animal group or just work them in to your average numbers for the month.
- When you've entered all your events for that group, click Done.
- Repeat process if you have another Livestock group to add
Step 5: Enter Health Supplement Information
- If applicable, Enter the relevant ‘Health Supplement’ information for your dairy herd.
Step 6: Once finished, click Save on the the bottom right-hand corner