Choose dominant pasture type
Use ryegrass if pasture type not available
Use default for hydrophobicity unless you have good reason to change it.
- Use farmer knowledge for the susceptibility of pugging soils. Otherwise, use 'rare' for well-drained soils, 'occasional' on heavier soils with drains working well, 'winter' if heavier soils with suspect drains and 'winter or rain' where pugging can occur after periods of prolonged rainfall throughout the year.
1. Choose which Pasture blocks you want to add details for
- If you have pasture blocks, you are required to enter details about the pasture on those blocks. If you have multiple pasture blocks with the same pasture details you can enter them at the same time by selecting multiple blocks from the block dropdown list
2. Specify the Land Use of the block/s
- Select Pasture Type - Chose dominant pasture type. Pasture type affects ME and pasture N content hence N leaching. Therefore it is important to select the correct pasture type for the block. If your pasture sward is not available in the drop-down menu, enter ryegrass/white clover.
- Select Primary land use - this could be either 'cut and carry - producing supplements' or 'pastoral - grazing animals'
- If the block/s have been cultivated in the last 5 years, check the box
3. If you selected 'Plantain' as the Pasture type then you will need to enter the % of plantain in the pasture
- Note: Plantain pastures should only be selected if it is a variety that cause (1) a diuretic response in animals and (2) partitions nitrogen away from urine in the animal. See our Knowledge base article 'How do I know my plantain is beneficial?'
4. If it is a 'Pastoral - Grazing Animals' blocks, then you will need to define the Runoff Characteristics:
- Define the hydrophobic condition - use default unless you have a good reason to change it. The default value is based on region and rainfall.
- Select the susceptibility to pugging - Use farmer knowledge, otherwise use 'rare' for well-drained soils, 'occasional' on heavier soils with drains working well, 'winter if heavier soils with suspect drains, and 'winter or rain' where pugging can occur after periods of prolonged rainfall throughout the year. Note: This is not a measure of whether pugging has occurred or the degree of pugging - it is the likelihood for pugging to occur.
- If the block/s have a naturally high water table (<0.75m from surface in water, not perched), check the box
- If the soil is compacted severely enough to reduce water holding capacity, check the box. It is generally best to leave unchecked as the major effect of compaction is usually a temporary within-year phenomenon and will not be equal over entire blocks.