Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research updated their S-map tool on 23 April 2024. For more information on the detail of these updates see here
Overseer Limited will not be updating all analyses automatically following the update to S-maps. Instead, there is a “Check for S-map soil updates” button within each farm account. For guidance on using this see here.
The changes within this update to S-map online are an update to the pedotransfer function for soil water content.
From the S-map online release note provided:
A new improved model for some key hydrological soil attributes has been developed. This new model means that S-map estimates of Profile Available Water (PAW) for all soils will change. Some technical information on the model can be found here.
The magnitude of the change is summarised in Figure 1. PAW to 60cm depth will increase for most soil orders, but decrease for most Allophanic and Granular soils. Figure 2 shows the change in estimated PAW to 60 cm spatially.
Figure 1. Indicates the change in PAW to 60 cm by soil order
Figure 2. Maps of the change in PAW (to 60 cm)