Firstly, if you have one milking herd and drying off occurs over a period of time, for example up to six (6) weeks, use the average lactation period or median drying off date and model them as one mob. If you have more than one distinct milking herd with separate drying off times or lactation lengths, these can be entered as separate mobs.
If different mobs are to be entered, first add the Dairy enterprise information including the total amount of milk solids produced on farm. You will also need to select if once a day milking occurs and lactation length.
Only one choice is possible for each enterprise, so if Once a day milking occurs in one mob and not the other select the option that best represents what is happening on farm.
Lactation Length can be entered as an average for the farm however Mean calving date and Drying off date entered at the livestock class input screen will override the lactation length entered.
Mean calving date and Drying off date are entered at the livestock class input screen. Enter the required information for each mob. Each mob can be given a name which helps to differentiate the mobs.