We released an update to OverseerFM on 25 June 2023.
The update of the Overseer model to version 6.5.2 addresses minor defects in model implementation identified by feedback from our users and through our model review and governance processes.
Changes made to the software address:
- Correction of reporting of lime spreading CO2 emissions
- Soil drainage class not used in urine patch denitrification calculations in some instances
- Inclusion of liquid effluent rate for pasture blocks only
- Exported crop resides not included in N-surplus and NCE results
- GHG emissions calculation for non-farm animals grazing fruit blocks
- Enteric emissions for non-farm animals
- Dung deposited for non-farm animals
- Additional defoliation months in post reporting year
- Allow single defoliation events prior to final month without a harvest
For more information, please see the release notes that are attached below.
Please do not hesitate to contact our helpdesk helpdesk@overseer.org.nz if you need any help or contact science@overseer.org.nz if you would like to know more about the science behind this update.