We have designed OverseerFM to encourage greater farmer engagement, so have placed the farm account at the centre of the system. It should represent a ‘single source of truth’ that can be shared between those users who have permission to access it.
Within each farm account there is the ability to create Year-end analyses (a model of the current farm system operating) and Predictive or Scenario analyses (where you model a potential future state).
Users can view results from all previous Year-end analyses and so track trends over time.
Year-end analyses are saved according to a year reference and are viewable by all users with access to that farm account. Predictive and Scenario analyses are private to the organization who has created them until they are shared with other users that have access to the farm.
Finding and setting up farm accounts
Finding and setting up farm accounts
When you log in, you will see your dashboard, which contains a list of ‘My Farms’. You can add and remove farm accounts from this list as you work on them, effectively creating a list of “favourites” for easy management.
The first time you log in, your dashboard will be empty and so the first step should be to search for a farm to see if it exists. If it does exist and you have access, then add the farm to “My farms”. If you do not have access, then request access. You will be granted guest access until you are accepted by the owner. If you are sure it does not exist, then create a new farm account.
Searching for a farm
From your dashboard, you can search for farms using the search bar at the top right-hand side of the screen or by clicking 'find existing farms':
This will show the following screen.
The following options are available in the drop-down list (next to “Search By”):
- My organisation: search for farms that your organisation has access to.
- My farms: search within your list of my farms.
- All farms: search across all farms in OverseerFM
- Publications: search for a publication that was published to your organisation. Note that this searches for the publication and not the farm.
Simply start typing the farm you are searching for and once there are more then 3 characters (excluding spaces) entered the matching farms will appear: You can search for farms using:
- Part of their address
- Part of their farm name
- Any farm identifiers. You must enter the exact identifier for it to match.
When searching for publications you can search using:
- Publisher’s email or name. You must enter the complete name or email.
- Part of the farm name at time of publication
- Part of farm address at time of publication
- Part of farm identifier entered on the publication
- Part of reference entered on publication
- Date of publication (returns all publications since the date entered). Format of the date entered should be “dd-mm-yyyy".
- Part of consent applicant’s name as entered on publication
Farms that match the search are returned in a list. If you have access to the farm you can add it to “My Farms” and it will then appear on your dashboard.
If you do not have access to the farm it will have an option of requesting access. You can request ‘write’, ‘admin’ or ‘owner’ access. This will email the owner of the farm and they will either accept or reject the request.
If you are sure that the farm you are looking for is in OverseerFM and cannot find it then contact the support desk for help.
If the farm you are looking for does not exist, then you can create a new farm account.
Creating a new farm account
You can create a new farm account from the search screen or from the dashboard (top right).
Once selected the following screen will be displayed.
Enter the name and address for the farm. The system searches for a matching address as you type. The software auto populates Region and/or Nearest town. You will also need to speocify if you are the owner or not, if you are not the owner, then enter the owner’s email address.
You can add any identifiers for the farm, these can be used by people to search for the farm. The system will use this information to search for and display a list of matching farms. Please check this list before proceeding to avoid duplication of farm accounts in the system.
Farm account subscriptions
Farm accounts must have paid an annual subscription for the model to run and return analysis results. Farm Account can be created, and analyses added without a subscription, but no results will be shown.
While every effort is made to keep this fee as low as possible, the money is needed to continue supporting and developing the software and the online service.
The price is the same for all farm accounts, regardless of who makes the payment and we will publish that price on our website. Payment can be made by credit card or POLI online from within the software by selecting one of the $ Make Payment buttons.
Once an account subscription has been paid, all users with access to that farm account will be able to run analyses at no extra cost.
We want farms to only pay once for the use of OverseerFM, even if it is used multiple times to support their farm business. We hope this will encourage increased use of Overseer in farm planning and monitoring to achieve greater value from better understanding of nutrient movements on farm.