Overseer Limited gives no warranties, representation or guarantees, express or implied in relation to the quality, reliability, accuracy and/or fitness for any purpose of the article. Overseer Limited expressly disclaims and assumes no liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or reliance on this article.
Organic pool: Mineralisation from cultivation (crops and fodder crops), net immobilisation and mineralisation into soil organic matter, and accumulation in effluent storage ponds if they are emptied less frequently than once a year.
Standing plant material: Difference in nutrient amount between the beginning and end of the year in the standing crop. The nutrient level is the total nutrients in the product removed, residues and roots multiplied by the proportion of total growth that has occurred. A negative value indicates that the nutrient in the standing crop was higher at the beginning than end of the year.
Inorganic mineral: Nutrients adsorbed on clay minerals or released by weathering or slow-release mechanisms. This also includes the undissolved portion of lime in the year of application, or the portion that dissolves in the year after application, which is negative.
Crop framework: Gain of nutrients in the framework above and below ground of perennial fruit crops as the result of annual tree growth.
Inorganic soil pool: Change in the plant available pool for the block. This pool is the pool related to soil test levels. Note that this is for the whole block (camp and non-camp areas) and hence should not be used to estimate maintenance or change in soil tests. A negative value indicates a net loss from the plant available pool.
Change in Supplement storage: Difference in nutrient amount between the beginning and end of the year in stored supplements.
Root and stover residues: Difference in nutrient amount between the beginning and end of the year in stover and roots added as residues. A negative value indicates that the nutrient in the residues was higher at the beginning than end of the year.