To understand the sequestration potential of trees growing on farm, OverseerFM enables forest details to be added to tree and scrub blocks. Adding forest details will enable indicative estimation of carbon stocks based on look-up tables for post 1989 forest land by MPI which are then reported within our Carbon Stock tool in our GHG reports.
You can add a 'Trees and Scrub' block under the blocks tab. You will need to give the block a name and enter the Block area, Distance from the coast and Bush type.
To add a forest to your Trees and scrub block click on the "+ Add forest" button in the forests section when creating or editing your Trees and scrub block:
To add a forest:
1. You will need to select the Forest type, Region and give the forest a Name. If the Pinus Radiata forest type is chosen then you will also need to specify a Region.
2. You then need to specify if the forest has been harvested in the last 10 years. If your forest has been harvest and replanted, see below.
3. You also need to specify the Percentage of the forest relative to the tree block (Multiple forests can be created for a single tree block) and the Current forest age.
4. If you are happy with the information entered, click Done then Save the block details.
What if my forest has been harvested and replanted?
Forests release carbon dioxide when they are harvested so it is important to include forests that have been harvested in the last 10 years within your report. When you have an area of land that has been replanted, you must treat the harvested trees and the newly planted trees as two separate forests. For example:
For the harvested forest, you will +Add Forest, enter the Forest type, Region and Name then check the box which says "Forest has been harvested in the last 10 years?"
Once the box has been checked you can enter the Percentage of the forest that was harvested, the Forest age at harvest and the Years since harvest.
Then click Save:
To add the replanted forest, Follow the same steps as above but this time don't check the Harvest box. You will need to specify the Forest type, Region, Name, Percentage of the block that this forest occupies, and the Current forest age.
Then click Save:
You can add different types of forests but the percentage of non-harvested forests can't be more than 100% of the area of the block:
Once finished, click Save.
A video run through of creating a forestry block and adding both a harvested forest and newly planted forests can be found here
Note: this can not be used in ETS reporting