You can use the OverseerFM Carbon Stock tool to estimate how much carbon is being sequestered by tree blocks on the farm. This tool allows users to add forest details to tree blocks to predict sequestration rates over time.
The Carbon Stock Tool adds to the unique capability of OverseerFM in enabling a holistic approach to farm environment planning, allowing the user to see the impact of management approaches on Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Greenhouse Gases at the same time to reduce the risk of pollution swapping.
The sequestration rates for the different forest types comes from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Carbon Look-up tables – they are a guide only.
The questions and answers section below provides more information on the OverseerFM Carbon Stock Tool.
What is the OverseerFM Carbon Stock Tool?
The Carbon Stock Tool in OverseerFM uses the MPI carbon look-up table data to help farmers and their advisors estimate how much carbon could be captured and stored (sequestered) by existing and planned tree blocks. Once a farm is set up in OverseerFM, farmers and farm advisors can use the tool to understand if the positive environmental impact of tree blocks is likely to be significant.
What is a carbon look-up table?
Carbon look-up tables were developed for forestry accounting under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The tables provide pre-calculated average values of carbon stock by age and by region for Pinus radiata and nationally for indigenous forest and other forest types. The carbon stock values are expressed in units of tonnes of CO2 per hectare. The values are equivalent to the weight of CO2 that is removed from the atmosphere and stored in the forest during growth. This weight of CO2 is the same as that which would be released back to the atmosphere if the forest fully decayed.
For more information click here
Why do the annual carbon stocks vary from year to year?
Pre-calculated values are created using specific methodologies. A guide to Carbon Look-up Tables developed by MPI provides further information on the methodologies and can be found here
How does the Overseer FM Carbon Stock Tool fit with the greenhouse gas (GHG) tools?
The Carbon Stock Tool helps farmers make more informed decisions around whether existing or planned tree blocks will benefit their emissions profile. It is a great addition to OverseerFM’s existing GHG emissions analysis tool, which estimates a farm’s biological emissions (methane, nitrous oxide) and carbon dioxide as well as product footprint.
Can I use the OverseerFM tree block carbon stock report for ETS reporting?
No. Its purpose is purely to provide you with the indicative carbon sequestration potential from your tree blocks (in tonnes) as part of your farm environment planning. If you would like to know more about the ETS for forestry click here or email or call 0800 25 46 28 and select option 3.
Does the tree block carbon stock report include sequestration from soil, wetlands, riparian margins or forest management practice changes?
No. The tree block carbon stock report is stage one of our carbon sequestration reporting suite and focuses only on tree blocks. We are working to develop future options in line with scientific advances.