You can upload a file generated by third party software into OverseerFM.
- On your Farm Home dashboard, click on Analyses
- Select ↑Upload Farm File
- Select an Analysis type – Year end, Predictive, Scenario
- If selecting Year End, Select Year. If selecting Predictive or Scenario, name the analysis
- For Import Type – Select 3rd party data file
- Drag or drop the 3rd party data files into the space provided or click on the space and select the file from your computer
OverseerFM supports uploading the following information:
- Blocks and block drawings
- Soils
- Fertiliser and fertiliser applications
- Animal enterprises and mobs
- Crops
It is important to note that Overseer is not responsible for the data contained in the file. Not all information required to generate an OverseerFM analysis will be in the third party file so further information will need to be added. Error messages will direct you to input tabs where any further information is required.
Prior to uploading the file it is important to validate the data is consistent with the farm system being entered. This may require going into the crop and animal screens to check.
If there are issues with the information loaded into OverseerFM, contact the provider of the 3rd party data file.
This feature is only available to create new analysis. It is not possible to update the analysis with new data if anything changes so please ensure the information is accurate before loading.
NB: Following the April 2023 crop model update and the decision by FAR to discontinue ProductionWise, 3rd party uploads of ProductionWise files will no longer be functional in OverseerFM