While OverseerFM allows up to three soil and two irrigators per block, the legacy OVERSEER software only allowed one of each. This has resulted in analyses with a very large number of blocks, which makes them expensive to maintain and difficult to understand how they relate to management on the farm.
We created the simplify tool in OverseerFM to allow users to merge “like” blocks within an analysis. “Like” blocks are those that (apart from soil and irrigation), have the same information, i.e. grow the same pasture/crops and have the same management activities.
Simplifying an analysis
First find the analysis you want to simply then each analysis has an Actions ellipsis on the right-hand side. If you click Actions and then select the Simplify option:
The system groups “like” blocks together and displays these to the user. Blocks must have the same attributes, pasture/crops/fruit, yields and management activities (fertiliser, effluent, animals etc.).
If there are no blocks to merge the following screen is shown.
If an analysis has compatible blocks they are grouped together as shown in the screen shot below.
Copy as – The result of merging must be saved as a new analysis within the farm, so the type and name must be entered. The original analysis will remain.
Simplified block count – Is the number of blocks after the merge has completed
Original block count – Is the number of blocks within the analysis that is being simplified.
Completing the comparable blocks tab
Before saving a copy of the simplified analysis you need to:
New block name – Enter a name for the resulting block (after merging).
New block area – Review the total area of the block after merging.
New block soils – Review the block soils. A block can have a maximum of three soils. The three largest soils by area, after merging the soils of the blocks in the group, will be used for the new block. The soils and the percentages of the block are displayed in this column. If there are more than three soils, the remaining soils are excluded from the merged block. These are also shown in this column as excluded.
Blocks to be merged – Review the list of “like” blocks to be merged. Blocks the user do not think should be merged can be removed from here. They can also be put back in if required.
Non-comparable blocks tab
Shows blocks that do not have any blocks that are comparable, i.e. do not have any other blocks with the same land use and management practices.
It is a good place to look to see if there are any blocks that have not been auto matched to comparable blocks. In some cases, this will highlight blocks that have been incorrectly entered and might need "fixing" to make "comparable". For example, someone may have accidentally forgot to check an animal distribution month or a month that the block was fertilized
Creating a simplified copy
Once the merge blocks have been named and reviewed and you are happy with what blocks are going to be merged select the “Create Simplified Copy” button. This will create a new analysis with the merged blocks. If blocks were drawn on the map, each drawing is including on the map for that single block.
Using the Compare Tool to assess differences between original and simplified analyses
Once the new simplified analysis has been created, you can use the “Compare” tool (also under the Actions ellipsis) to understand any changes in the analysis which may have occurred during the simplification process.
Use the “Compare” tool from the farm home screen.
The “From Analysis” should be the original analysis.
The “To Analysis” should be the Simplified copy.
This allows you to compare the Model results, Physical Characteristics and Farm Management in the two analyses. This will enable you to what has changed in the analyses and to make any adjustments which you feel are appropriate or required.