Model Inputs
- Catchment area supplying strip in hectares
- Length of strip in metres
- Width of strip in metres i.e the "down-the-length" slope
Strip condition
- Age of strip in years
- Entry Condition - On hillside, Bottom of Hill, or Bottom of hill with a flat entry
- Strip type and Condition - Dense healthy grass, Rank fragile or clump grass, Trees/shrub/flax, or Grass then trees/shrub/flax
Hydraulic Performance
Estimate proportion of surface flow that drains through the strip
This can be done by either entering the estimated percentage of surface flow or the entering the width of the valley. Note: Only 50% of the surface flow will drain the strip if the strip is fenced only on one side.
Estimate the proportion of runoff that interacts with the strip
This can be done by either:
- Entering the estinated % of runoff that is intecepted by the strip where 1% = highly channelised and 100% = all runoff intercepted by vegetation
- Estimate from observations of how much runoff is carried by shallow channels formed in paddocks during a runoff event - None, A bit, Half, Most, or All
- Estimate based on whether or not channels draining the strip are clearly visible during dry weather
- Based off strip conditions as described above
Estimate the length of strip that ponds water upslope
To estimate the percentage of length that ponds water upslope from the filter strip during a runoff event, observe water flow into the upstream edge of the grass filter strip, or into a riparian strip. If water is observed to pond, then estimate the percentage of the filter strip length where water ponds, and enter this value. If no ponding is observed, observe where water enters the filter strip, estimate the percentage of the filter strip length where water is entering, and enter this value.
Runoff sources (Option to specify)
For the runoff that flows into the riparian strip, enter the percentage that comes from each block. Any remaining area will be attributed to an off farm source.