Users can download some results in a .csv file from the Benchmarking by Farms in the aggregated reporting / within a Farm Group.
This can be used where Organisations have either published to themselves, or are part of a Farm Group
Aggregated reporting of publications can be found on your user dashboard:
Similarly, any farm groups which you have access to, can be found at the very bottom of your user dashboard:
The .csv file which can be downloaded contains details of the Farm Account and the analysis plus results for each analysis within the reporting / group:
- Farm Area
- N loss per hectare and total,
- P loss per hectare and total,
- GHG emissions per hectare and total,
- N Surplus,
- NCE.
- Methane, CO2 & N2O emissions per hectare and total
- Synthetic N applied to pasture
- Organic N applied to pasture
- Percent of diet provided by pasture
- Milk Production