An imbalance with the ME required and ME supplied will cause an overfeeding error. To resolve the error, check the inputs for any data entry mistakes and to make sure what is being represented in OverseerFM is in line with on-farm practices. Inputs to check include:
- Crop area (area of block and/or percentage of cultivated area)
- Crop yield
- Destination of the crop (to storage, to a structure, on pasture)
- Months grazed/defoliated
- The percentage grazed by each enterprise
- Number of hours grazing a crop
- Consider crop ME - are defaults different to actuals? If so adjust yield accordingly
- Amount of crop fed in reporting year - Because animal numbers are not defined for Year 1 and the Post-reporting year, if a crop is grazed across years, the distribution of feed may not be representative of what is happening on farm - reduce yield or add in an extra defoliation to redistribute feed.
- Amount/weight harvested, imported and/or from storage
- Is weight defined as dry weight or wet weight?
- Destination of supplement/s (off farm, storage, structures, animals, block)
- Timing of feeding – try leaving Specify feeding % by months unchecked, allow the model to allocate the supplement.
- Storage conditions and utilisation of supplements
- Quality of supplements - default ME of supplements in OverseerFM may be different to ME of on-farm supplements - adjust weights accordingly.
Note: When adjusting the distribution of crops and supplements fed between enterprises first address those not grazing permanent pasture and then distribute the remainder to other enterprises.
- Monthly numbers including dates animals are bought on/sold off
- Animal weights and/or Age at start are correct - override defaults in necessary.
- Check animals have been assigned to the correct mobs
- Animal production - Milk production, weight gain
- Leftover feed (dairy goats only)
Note: These animal characteristics feed in to the calculation for animal metabolic energy (ME) requirements. If these are underestimated, then the error is likely to occur.
For examples of different feed errors and how to deal with them see here
If you are still unable to resolve the error, please submit a helpdesk request to OverseerFM Helpdesk for support.