The purpose of the DM intake report is to provide an indication of the DM intake of animal enterprises present on the farm. This report provides the monthly DM intake (kg DM/month) of each animal enterprise present on the farm and the total (annual) DM intake of each enterprise (kg DM/year). Note that pasture production is pasture intake divided by utilisation.
In OverseerFM, pasture DM intake is calculated as ME intake required from pasture divided by the ME content of the pasture component of the diet. The ME content of the pasture component of the diet is the average pasture block ME, weighted by the amount of pasture intake from each block. Supplement and crop DM intake are estimated from user inputs. Pasture DM intake and supplement and crop DM intake are then added to give the total animal DM intake.
Table 1: Monthly Requirements and Intake - DM Intake
DM intake may change as the quality of the feed changes, for example, if animal numbers and production remain constant, increasing the ME content of feed results in a decrease in DM intake. The Total is the annual DM intake for each enterprise.
This table is useful in conjunction with the Block Pasture & Diet (ME Source) - RSU report to check the modelled DM allocated per RSU per day in any given month using this simple calculation:
Monthly DM intake for Enterprise / RSU total per month for Enterprise / days of month = DM/ day required per RSU.