The purpose of the Block Pasture & Diet (ME Source) report is to show the estimated carrying capacity (RSU/ha) on a monthly and annual basis for each enterprise on each block based on fresh pasture intake. This is derived from the fresh pasture intake of each animal enterprise present on the block. Note that the timing of intake may differ from pasture growth.
The first table shows the RSU due to pasture intake by block and month for each enterprise modelled on farm. The Total column on the far right is the enterprise RSU/ha for each block.
Table 1: Block Pasture RSU report
‘AVG.PASTORAL’ in the middle left section of the report, refers to the average RSU/ha for all pastoral blocks and associated fodder crop areas rotating through them for each enterprise. If no supplements or crops are fed, the monthly pattern of a given block will be similar to the average pattern of the ME requirements of enterprises present on that block. The block’s pattern will change as more and more supplements and crops are fed.
This report also shows the stock numbers for each enterprise. You can expand each enterprise to view the stock classes within each enterprise.
Figure 1: Stock numbers each enterprise
The second table, shows the Diet (ME source). The purpose of the Diet (ME source) report is twofold. Firstly, it shows for each enterprise by month, the amount of feed consumed from each source. Secondly, this report shows for each enterprise by month the estimated proportion of animal ME requirements supplied by feed expressed as a percentage, and the estimated animal ME requirements expressed as, RSU or MJ ME/month.
Select the enterprise name to switch between each enterprise. You can expand each source to view where the feed was distributed.
Table 2: Diet (ME source) Report
The sources are:
- Crops: From farm grown crops.
- Pasture: From fresh pasture
- Farm supplements: From farm grown and stored supplements (hay, silage and baleage).
- Other supplements: From other imported and left over supplements.
- Fodder supplements: From imported fodder supplements (hay, silage, straws and maize).
- Animal ME requirements: The ratio of ME intake from all sources divided by animal ME requirements if % is selected, otherwise it shows animal ME requirements per RSU or MJ ME/Month intake. There is a buffer of about 20% on feed requirements, that is, the model will provide reports when the feed supply is within 20% of animal requirement. Hence ME from feed may not equal animal ME requirements.
click here to see a further example of the Diet (ME source) report