Figure 1 shows a Diet (ME source) - MJ ME/Month report for a hypothetical dairy farm that includes beef/dairy grazers. This report shows how MJ ME are allocated to each enterprise per month from each source.
The report is showing that the majority of the dairy herd’s diet is coming from pasture, with 31,830,874 MJME allocated as pasture. Notably, in the month of June and July, pasture is blank. This is indicating that the dairy herd is grazed on crops.
Figure 1: Diet (ME source) Report based on MJ ME/ Month
The TOTAL is the sum of all ME sources per month. In this example, the dairy herd is allocated 39,781,691 MJ ME from all sources for the 12 month period.
The Diet (ME source) - MJ ME/Month report is useful to use in conjunction with Monthly Requirements and Intake - ME requirements as this is showing the modelled requirements for each enterprise per month. Refer to article - Animal Reports - Interpretation of Monthly Requirements and Intake - ME requirements for further information.