When blocks are drawn, the location of the block is used to determine the monthly rainfall, temperature and potential evapotranspiration (PET) for the block from a NIWA 30-year climate dataset built into OverseerFM. The model uses default profiles based on the farm’s region/nearest town to calculate daily rainfall and sunshine hours.
The following diagram depicts what parts of the model the climate information in OverseerFM impacts. For a full interactive view of the scientific model in its entirety please click here
Climate has a significant impact on the modelling. Climate is used in the hydrology model to estimate drainage which causes leaching. Climate also affects biological processes such as decomposition, volatilisation and denitrification
If multiple non-contiguous areas of land are drawn for a single block, the climate for each piece of land is taken and then averaged proportionally based on the area of each piece.
Although not recommended, latitude and longitude can be entered to override the location used to lookup climate data. The quality of the block drawings does not have any impact on the model, so you can just draw an approximation to get climate data without having to try and find the latitude and longitude for the block.
If a single block has quite different climates, then it might make sense to split it into two blocks if you would like to see how the climate effects the results and therefore consider how you might treat those two pieces of land differently. If that is not an option, then a single block with average climate is fine.
The block location provides monthly data. The region set for the farm determines how the model works out daily rainfall and PET values.
Overseer does not account for inter-block variations or microclimates and will always be a general representation.
Entering snowfall essentially adds to rain fall for the purposes of modelling.
Average temperature: The average annual temperature for the year is an amalgamation of the monthly average temperatures.
Average rainfall: The average annual rainfall for the year is an amalgamation of the monthly average rainfall. Uses regional profile to calculate daily rainfall for the hydrology and other sub models.
Annual PET: A measure of evaporation. Daily PET values are calculated based on the amalgamated monthly values, and a classification in seasonality. Seasonality is based on the farm’s region.