OverseerFM changes versions when the science engine of the model has been updated with the latest science e.g. When Plantain was included as a pasture type.
To see which version you are currently working in, click into your farm account and go to Analyses.
The version of the Overseer science model is found on the left hand of each of your analyses results e.g. v6.5.1 (highlighted below)
(**NOTE - this version number will change as we further develop the software).
The previous version number is shown underneath the name of the analysis e.g. V6.3.3 (highlighted below) and identifies if there has been any change in the results between the previous and current model versions.
When the Overseer model is updated, all analyses in OverseerFM are updated. If there has been no change to your results, it will show NO CHANGE:
However, if updating the model changes your results it will show which of your results has changed and the previous result (highlighted below):
If the analysis post-dates the version upgrade it will record NO RESULTS for the previous version: