This report (Freeman M, Robson M, Lilburne L, McCallum-Clark M, Cooke A, & McNae D) identifies key principles and practical guidance for using OVERSEER in the context of the overarching imperative to manage the impacts of land use on water quality. This report is primarily intended for regional council staff (and consultants) who are involved in preparing and implementing regional plans, consultants involved in regional plan-making and resource consent processes, and Resource Management Act (RMA) decision-makers
Project developed by an OVERSEER® Guidance Project Board consisting of the following organisations: Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Environment Canterbury, Hawkes Bay Regional Council, Waikato Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, Ministry for Primary Industries, Ministry for the Environment, Overseer Limited, Dairy Industries Council, Horticulture NZ, Foundation for Arable Research, Beef + Lamb NZ, and Landconnect Limited