Aggregated Reporting
The aggregated report totals the OverseerFM results for each published analysis by year.
Overview – Shows the total productive area, irrigated area, effluent area receiving liquids and area of all farms that were published. The total losses for nitrogen, phosphorus and GHG emissions are also shown. The per hectare values are the total losses divided by the total farm area. It does not represent an average loss per farm, but rather a loss per hectare for the entire group.
GHG emissions - The GHG emissions table shows the totals for all farm emissions. The figures are represented in tonnes of eC02 per year broken down by methane, N20 (nitrous oxide) and C02.(carbon dioxide)
Block types – This section displays the number of farms and blocks that are represented in the aggregated data set broken down by Overseer block type. It also shows the total area and percentage (by area) of each type.
Block graphs – Shows the nitrogen and phosphorus losses by block type. You can switch between total and per hectare values using the buttons above each graph.
Livestock – Shows the breakdown of stock using revised stock units (RSU). Shows the amount of energy each type of enterprise obtained from various food sources (crops, pasture or supplements). RSU is 6000 MJ ME/year (amount of metabolisable energy required from feed). This is a way of comparing stock from different animal enterprises and is the basis for the Overseer modelling.
Benchmarking compares farm and block results by year. If accessed via a farm, the farm’s results will be highlighted to easily see that farm’s results compared to the others in the group.
The results can be filtered by animal enterprise type. Only farms with the selected animal enterprise will appear in the reports. Selecting the “non animals” filter will include farms that do not have any animal enterprises.
Benchmarking by farm – Compares the results for all farms in the group. It can switch from showing total losses to showing per hectare losses for each farm. Nitrogen surplus and nitrogen conversion efficiency graphs are shown when showing per hectare losses.
The report now starts with a map, for farms that you have permission to see, the map shows the location of each farm. The size of the circle indicates the size of the farm. You can click on a circle to view its details on the right. Farms are colour coded by farm enterprise type.
Below the map are the benchmarking graphs, each bar represents a farm that has published an analysis for the selected year. The results are ordered by kg/ha from smallest to largest even if the report is viewed by total kgs.
If you have accessed this report from the farm, the farm will be highlighted so you can see where it sits in relation to other farms in the data set. If you have accessed this from the dashboard no farms will be highlighted.
Clicking on a bar in any graph will show summary data for the farm (average climate, area, irrigated area, animal enterprise RSU, nitrogen loss, phosphorus loss and GHG emissions). The bar for that farm will be highlighted in each of the graphs.
The name of the farm that is selected is only shown if you have access to that farm. If you do not it will be marked as ‘anonymous’ but you will still be able to view the summary data for that farm.
For help with downloading data from the benchmarking by farms page visit the Downloading results from Aggregated Reporting / Farm Groups article
Benchmarking by block - This report also starts with a map, showing the location of productive blocks on farms which you have access to, and which have drawn blocks. Blocks are colour coded by type.
The graphs show losses for each block in the group. Each bar within the graphs represent the results of a block that is in the data set. The results are ordered by kg/ha from smallest to largest even if the report is viewed by total kgs.
Only one block type can be reported on at a time. Only the block types that are within the aggregated dataset are displayed in the filters. Once a block type is selected, the graphs display the N and P loss for each block within the data set that is of that block type.
If you have accessed this report from the farm, all blocks within the farm will be highlighted so you can see where each block sits in relation to other farms in the data set. If you have accessed this from the dashboard no blocks will be highlighted.
Select a bar in any graph shows summary data for the block (average climate, area, irrigated area, pasture type, animal enterprise RSU, nitrogen loss and phosphorus loss). The bar for the selected block will be highlighted in each of the graphs.
Shows distribution graphs of:
• N loss (kg/ha)
• N surplus (kg/ha)
• Nitrogen Conversion efficiency (%)
• Nitrogen drainage (ppm)
• P loss (kg/ha)
• GHG (kg eCO2/ha)
• Methane (kg eCO2/ha)
• Nitrous oxide (kg eCO2/ha)
• Carbon dioxide (kg eCO2/ha)
• Annual average drainage (mm)
• Revised stock units (RSU/ha)
• N in synthetic fert on pasture (kg/ha)
• Percentage N removed by wetlands (%)
Shows the year on year changes in:
• N loss (kg/ha)
• N surplus (kg/ha)
• Nitrogen Conversion efficiency (%)
• P loss (kg/ha)
• GHG (kg eCO2/ha)
• Methane (kg eCO2/ha)
• Nitrous oxide (kg eCO2/ha)
• Carbon dioxide (kg eCO2/ha)
• Annual average drainage (mm)
• Revised stock units (RSU/ha)
• N in synthetic fert on pasture (kg/ha)
• Productive area (% based off farm area)
• Irrigated area (% based off productive area)
• Effluent area (% based off productive area)